27 Albert Street, Irene Security Estate, Centurion

Our Vision

“Regardless of the changes in technology, the market for well-crafted messages will always have an audience.”
– Steve Burnett 

IN a nutshell

IN-depth: Our aim is to have a long-lasting and sustainable impact on a system. This is achieved by utilising in-depth strategic interventions based on assessment results. A superficial approach will not create and sustain the required shift – therefore we aim to move the core and not just perturb the outer layers of the system.

IN-teractive: We strongly believe in the power of effective interaction. We strive to interact on a personal level with our clients and to be actively involved on every level during the process. We involve associates where needed to expand our level of impact. Effective communication is key in any system comprising of individuals who interact amongst each other.

IN-tune: One of our top priorities is to be in-tune with the needs of our clients. We take extra care to meet the expectations and requirements of the client. We also make it a priority to stay up to date with relevant research in the field and use effective, well-researched assessment tools.

IN-tegrative: We strive to continuously reinvent ourselves as a multi-faceted, resourceful company. We want to build and maintain long-lasting relationships with our clients, striving towards continuous integration and progression…moving our core